Western Blot Troubleshooting: Weak/No Signal & Other
Troubleshooting tips and solutions for weak or no signal in Western blot.
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- Western Blot Protocol
- How To Optimize Your Western Blot
- SDS-PAGE Gel Recipes
- How To Optimize Your Results With Low MW Proteins
- Tricine Gel Recipe For Low Molecular Weight Proteins
- Choosing The Right Lysis Buffer
- Choosing The Right Western Blot Detection Method
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: Why Does The Observed Protein Molecular Weight (MW) Differ From The Calculated One?
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: High Background
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: Weak/No Signal & Other
- Western Blot ppt
- Western Blot Video Protocol
Overcome your Western blot difficulties with our troubleshooting advice, covering problems such as weak/no signal, non-specific bands, high signal, and other common issues.

Proteintech control antibodies are $189 each for a 150ul size vial
View all Loading Control AntibodiesIssues with the primary and / or secondary antibody
Titrate the antibody to determine optimum concentration.
The antibody may have lost activity – perform a dot blot to determine activity and optimal concentration.
Include a positive control (e.g., overexpressed protein, purified protein, positive cell line, etc. Adjust protein loading accordingly).
Change incubation time and temperature (4°C, overnight).
Target protein abundance is too low
Load more protein per well.
Enrich low-abundance proteins by immunoprecipitation, fractionation, etc.
Use appropriate treatment to induce target protein expression or modification.
Ensure sample has not degraded.
Include protease inhibitors in the lysis buffer.
Use the optimum lysis buffer for the target protein’s subcellular localization.
Check protein loading with an internal loading control antibody.
Membrane choice
Select PVDF or NC membranes based on hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity of the target antigen.
Check the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of the antigen sequence.
PVDF membrane works better with hydrophilic/ polar/charged target antigens.
Nitrocellulose works better with hydrophobic/ non-polar antigens.
Blocking buffer issues
Blocking for too long can mask specific epitopes and prevent antibody binding.
Reduce the percentage of, or remove, the blocking reagent from the antibody incubation buffers.
Switch to using an alternative blocking reagent.
Low molecular weight targets
Use a Tris-tricine gel for protein targets <20kDa.
Reduce transfer times and/or use smaller pore size membranes (0.22 μm) for low MW proteins <30kDa.
Wet transfer is recommended for small proteins (10kDa).
Unsuccessful transfer
Ensure proper transfer set-up (e.g., no air bubbles trapped between the gel and the membrane).
Thicker gels can result in incomplete transfer of high molecular-weight-proteins.
Check the quality of protein transfer with a reversible, universal protein stain, e.g., Ponceau-S.
Wet transfer produces higher-resolution transfers over semidry transfer.
Sodium azide contamination
The presence of sodium azide inhibits the activity of HRP.
Use sodium azide-free buffers.
Ensure sufficient washing.
Film exposure too short / detection reagent not sensitive enough
Check several exposure times to achieve optimum detection.
Try different detection reagent compositions and/or brands.
Dilute chemiluminescent reagents in high-purity water.
Other blotting issues
Ghost hollow bands
- This happens when the ECL substrate is used up too rapidly.
Sample overloading
- Decrease the total protein loading for each sample.
Too much antibody
- Decrease the concentrations of the primary and/or secondary antibodies.
Inverse staining (i.e., white bands on a dark blot)
Too much primary and/or too much secondary antibody.
Use antibodies at higher dilutions.
Molecular weight marker staining
The antibody reacts with the MW marker.
- Add a blank lane between the MW marker and the first sample lane.
“Smiling” bands
Migration through the gel was too hot or too fast.
Reduce the voltage applied to run the SDS-PAGE gel or run the gel in a cold room.
Blank areas/white spots
- Can be caused by improper/uneven transfer or air bubbles.
Uneven bands
High protein concentrations can result in diffuse protein bands.
Uneven protein loading: assay protein samples and load by protein amount. Check for even protein loading by stripping and reprobing the blot with an internal control antibody (or use an HRP-conjugated loading control antibody).
Uneven gel composition (gel has set too quickly while casting or buffer was mixed inadequately).
Uneven bands can be due to insufficient buffer being added to the tank during running.
Dark spots/dots
This problem can be caused by antibodies binding to the blocking reagent in the blocking buffer.
Change to another blocking reagent.
Filter the blocking buffer.
Wash excess detection reagent from the membrane before exposure.