ChromoTek GFP-Booster Alexa Fluor® 488

anti-GFP VHH/ Nanobody conjugated to a fluorescent dye for IF/ microscopy.


GFP and GFP derivates




Alexa Fluor® 488



Cat no : gb2AF488


GFP tag, GFP, eGFP, eYFP, CFP, YFP, BFP, GFP-Booster, Green fluorescent protein, AcGFP, GFP S65T, mClover (Clover A260K), Monomeric EGFP A206K, pHluorin (ecliptic), PA-GFP, Superfolder GFP (sfGFP), TagGFP, TagGFP2, Citrine, Ecitrine, Venus, EYFP, Ypet

Product Information

anti-GFP VHH/ Nanobody conjugated to a fluorescent dye for IF/ microscopy.

DescriptionThe GFP-Booster stabilizes, enhances, and reactivates the signal of GFP-fusion proteins. Due to its small size, the GFP-Booster enables higher image quality in epifluorescence, confocal, and super-resolution microscopy:

• Considerably higher tissue penetration rates

• Superior accessibility and labelling of epitopes in crowded cellular/organelle environments

• Less than 2 nm epitope-label displacement minimizes linkage error

• Monovalent VHHs do not cluster their epitopes

• Validation: structure and function characterized

• Consistent and reliable performance due to recombinant production

ApplicationsIF, IHC, ICC
Specificity/TargetCFP, AcGFP, EGFP, GFP, GFP S65T, mClover, EGFP A206K, pHluorin, PA-GFP, sfGFP, TagGFP, TagGFP2, Citrine, Ecitrine, EYFP, Venus, YFP, Ypet
For the complete list, please click here: Fluorescent protein specificity table Nano-Booster
ConjugateAlexa Fluor® 488
Physical StateLiquid
Suggested DilutionIF/ICC/IHC: 1:500- 1:1,000
Type Nanobody
DOL2 fluorophores per Nanobody
FormatAlpaca single domain antibody, Nanobody or VHH; monovalent
Affinity (KD)Dissociation constant KD of 1 pM
Excitation/ EmissionExcitation max: 490 nm, Emission max: 525 nm
Storage Buffer10 mM HEPES pH 7.0, 500 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, Preservative: 0.09% Sodium azide
Storage ConditionShipped at ambient temperature. Store at -20°C/-4°F. Stable for 6 month. Protect from light.
Size10 μL; 50 μL
NoteThis product is for research use only, not for diagnostic or therapeutic use



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The reviews below have been submitted by verified Proteintech customers who received an incentive for providing their feedback.


Andrea (Verified Customer) (09-19-2023)

Very good signal enhancement.

  • Applications: Western Blot,Immunohistochemistry
  • Cell Tissue Type: HCT116

Rocco (Verified Customer) (03-11-2022)

The alpaca GFP booster was very useful to show cellular location of PAR2-mugfp in the mouse colon. It works well at the concentration of 1:400 in a PFA fixed and Sucrose cryoprotected 10um colonic section. A must buy!

  • Applications: Immunofluorescence
  • Primary Antibody Dilution: 1:400
  • Cell Tissue Type: Mouse colonic tissue