Society for Neuroscience Resources Hub

Proteintech loves SfN! This page contains specially curated resources to best support neuroscience researchers.


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Pathway posters                         Neuroscience blogs                         Downloadable material 


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Synapses are highly important components of neural transmission in the brain, and much neuroscience research focuses on understanding the function of these specialized structures.
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SfN Travel Grant Winners

Visit previous winners here


Diana Acosta, PhD. from Ohio State University  
Abstract Title: Human neural organoids with MAPT R406W mutation exhibit altered cholesterol metabolism, increased tau phosphorylation, and altered functional activity

A word from the recipient: "There is a need to better understand the connection between changes in cholesterol and tau pathology to elucidate the underlying disease mechanism of tauopathies (diseases in which tau pathology plays a major role in disease onset and spread). To address this need, we utilize state-of-the-art techniques to characterize changes in phosphorylated and total tau levels, gene expression, and functional activity of human derived neural organoids. We additionally validate our findings in human post-mortem brain samples and with in-vitro assays. This award provides great support to attend SfN! I am excited to share our findings with the scientific community!"


Ishnoor Singh, from University of Toronto
Abstract Title: Connecting specific central GLP-1 receptors functionally with glucose homeostasis and energy balance.


A word from the recipient: "I am truly honored to receive this grant, and it will enable me to advance my research in exciting new ways. I look forward to sharing my findings at SFN this year and learning from the brilliant minds in the field. This support will not only enrich my scientific journey but also enable me to network with leading experts and gain invaluable insights that will propel my work to new heights. Thanks to Proteintech for the support!"


Pathway Posters

Click below to download yours!

Alzheimer's  Pathway

Neural Cell Marker Pathway

Parkinson's Disease Pathway


Blogs with Applications for Neuroscience Research


How to identify activated microglia

Proteintech experts share ways to quantity your microglial cell population. 




Seven tips to successfully culture primary rodent neurons

Proteintech experts provide 7 tips for improving the integrity of your primary neuronal cultures.


Downloadable Material 


SfN Hall of Fame - Travel Grant Winners

2022 SfN Winners

Coralie Berthoux, Ph.D.  Albert Einstein College of Medicine

"I am very delighted and thankful for the support from Proteintech. This is a unique opportunity to share my recent research work at the 2022 SfN meeting and network with leading neuroscientists from around the world. I'll be presenting my work at the Nanosymposium "Signaling Mechanisms in Long-Term Plasticity II" on Nov. 16th 2022. Beyond the monetary support, this award represents acknowledgment of my work on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity."

Margarita Hessel, Ph.D. Helmotz Zentrum, Munich 

""I am very grateful for the Proteintech travel grant that supports my travel to the Sfn. The Sfn meeting is a great opportunity to present my research to an international audience, receive feedback on my project, and establish new collaborations. I will be presenting a poster #223.17 on Sunday November 13, 4:00-5:00 pm. The success of my project required the strong involvement of several lab members, so I immensely appreciate the support of all the NAPS lab."  


2021 SfN Winners

Rajeshwari Chellappan,  University of Alabama at Birmingham

“It is such an honor to receive this award and thank you for the support. I feel grateful to have had a mentor such as Dr. Peter King. I would like to emphasize how my lab filled in during the pandemic hours and helped with the completion of this project. We eagerly await to see what this drug can accomplish in clinical scenarios.”

Ashley Keiser,  University of California, Irvine

"I am extremely honored and thankful for Proteintech's support of my work! Due to this support, I will be able to apply funds to further my studies and share my work virtually with a broad audience of neuroscientists from around the world, engage with the latest research and gain feedback; all of which will make me a stronger scientist. Thanks to Proteintech for this opportunity!"


2019 SFN Winners

Jacob Mann,  University of Pittsburgh

Jacob Mann developed a mouse model for ALS and dementia that is optogenetically induced, allowing for more controlled study of neurodegeneration. Using this model, he and his colleagues found that the pathological potential of TDP43 and FUS to make toxic deposits is determined by whether they are unbound to RNA and if more RNA is added, the deposits can be eliminated.

Mann noted, “I am honored for the support of this travel award and am excited to share my work and exchange ideas with all the great scientists attending this meeting.”

Anthony Braun,  University of Minnesota

Aggregation of alpha-synuclein is a major cause of Parkinson’s Disease, and types of dementia. Anthony Braun and his colleagues developed a robust high-throughput cellular assay to test drugs that protect neurons from alpha-synuclein-induced death.

Braun said, “I am excited for the opportunity to attend SfN to share our exciting research and network with potential collaborators in neurodegeneration."


2018 SfN Winners

Mengyang Feng, Pennsylvania State University

It is well-documented that a poor diet and obesity are risk factors for psychiatric disorders such as depression. However, the mechanism has not been elucidated as of yet. Feng and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University used a high fat diet mouse model to investigate how obesity contributes to depression. They found that a high fat diet increases the ability of these neurons to fire, leading to depression-like brain activity. Their results suggest that anticonvulsants, already used for treatment of bipolar disorder, may be useful for overweight patients who do not respond well to first-line therapies.

“I appreciate the support of the award and I am delighted to share my research and network with neuroscientists all over the world,” said Feng, who will be presenting this work on November 5 (#323. 22).

Yuyan Chen, University of California – Los Angeles.

Despite the brain’s importance to survival, neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) have limited healing abilities after injury. However, peripheral neurons have high regenerative capacity. Cheng and colleagues analyzed regenerating peripheral neurons to identify the genetic program driving this process and compared this program to CNS neurons after injury. They found that the expression of the REST transcription factor in the CNS interferes with this program. Their data suggest that targeting this protein may be effective in limiting brain damage after injury.

 “I am excited to network and see cool science!” Cheng said. Cheng will this research (#476.21) on November 6.