β-Galactosidase Staining Kit

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B-Galactosidase Staining Kit, 35001, beta galactosidase, beta-galactosidase, b galactosidase, b-galactosidase, b-gal, beta gal, bgal, b gal, transfection, co-transfection, co transfection, lacz, lac-z, lac z, x-gal, x gal, staining

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The β-Galactosidase Staining Kit is an easy-to-use and efficient method to determine the percentage of cells expressing lacZ following transient or stable transfection of plasmids that contain lacZ.


The gene product of lacZ, β-galactosidase, catalyzes the hydrolysis of X-gal, which produces a blue color that is easily visualized. The kit can also be used to determine the efficiency of direct delivery of β-galactosidase by the Chariot™ Protein Delivery Reagent (Figure 1). It is also suitable for assaying tissue sections after in vivo transfection.

Staining of HeLa cells using the Beta-Galactosidase Staining Kit

Figure 1: Staining of HeLa cells using the β-Galactosidase Staining Kit.
One µg of a 119 kDa subunit of β-galactosidase was complexed with Chariot™ Protein Delivery Reagent for 30 minutes and delivered into HeLa cells. Two hours post-delivery, cells were fixed and stained using the β-Galactosidase Staining Kit.


Contents & Storage

Staining Solutions 1, 2 & 3, 10X PBS, 10X Fixing Solution and X-gal. Sufficient reagents are included to perform 75 assays in 35 mm plates. Reagent storage conditions vary from room temperature to –20°C, see manual for details. All reagents are guaranteed stable for 6 months when stored properly.