How to Become a Great Mentor
Dec 5th. Mentoring may take a lifetime to master but the path is paved with simple steps.
Proteintech is proud to host Dr. Jen Heemstra, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis, as she gives her exclusive guidance on what makes an effective mentor who everyone wants to work with.
This webinar is now complete.
Mentoring is challenging to define and even more challenging to master, as it draws upon a diverse set of skills including listening, learning, planning, coaching, and advocating…and these skills will ideally be deployed differently in each mentoring situation. At the same time, the impact of high-quality mentoring on the success and well-being of early-career researchers can be tremendous. Your research training may not have prepared you to be a mentor and learning to be an expert in mentoring can feel intimidating. However, there are small practices that you can put in place to have a large impact, and we can all benefit from sharing ideas and practices.

Dr. Jennifer Heemstra
Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry·Washington University in St. Louis
Jen Heemstra is currently the Charles Allen Thomas Professor and Chair in the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focuses on harnessing the molecular recognition and self-assembly properties of nucleic acids and proteins for applications in biosensing and bioimaging. In addition to her research, Jen is also actively engaged in science communication, outreach, and advocacy via her social media presence, and professional development seminars and workshops.