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PICK1 Polyklonaler Antikörper

PICK1 Polyklonal Antikörper für WB, IHC, IF/ICC, IP, ELISA

Wirt / Isotyp

Kaninchen / IgG

Getestete Reaktivität

human, Maus, Ratte





Kat-Nr. : 10983-2-AP


Protein kinase C-alpha-binding protein, PRKCABP, PRKCA-binding protein, PRKCA binding protein, PICK

Geprüfte Anwendungen

Erfolgreiche Detektion in WBLNCaP-Zellen, humanes Hirngewebe, Maushirngewebe, Rattenhirngewebe, SH-SY5Y-Zellen
Erfolgreiche IPMaushirngewebe
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IHChumanes Magenkrebsgewebe
Hinweis: Antigendemaskierung mit TE-Puffer pH 9,0 empfohlen. (*) Wahlweise kann die Antigendemaskierung auch mit Citratpuffer pH 6,0 erfolgen.
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IF/ICCHEK-293-Zellen

Empfohlene Verdünnung

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:1000-1:5000
Immunpräzipitation (IP)IP : 0.5-4.0 ug for 1.0-3.0 mg of total protein lysate
Immunhistochemie (IHC)IHC : 1:50-1:500
Immunfluoreszenz (IF)/ICCIF/ICC : 1:20-1:200
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery


10983-2-AP bindet in WB, IHC, IF/ICC, IP, CoIP, ELISA PICK1 und zeigt Reaktivität mit human, Maus, Ratten

Getestete Reaktivität human, Maus, Ratte
In Publikationen genannte Reaktivitäthuman, Maus
Wirt / Isotyp Kaninchen / IgG
Klonalität Polyklonal
Typ Antikörper
Immunogen PICK1 fusion protein Ag1443
Vollständiger Name protein interacting with PRKCA 1
Berechnetes Molekulargewicht 47 kDa
Beobachtetes Molekulargewicht 50-55 kDa
Gene symbol PICK1
Gene ID (NCBI) 9463
Konjugation Unkonjugiert
Form Liquid
Reinigungsmethode Antigen-Affinitätsreinigung
Lagerungspuffer PBS mit 0.02% Natriumazid und 50% Glycerin pH 7.3.
LagerungsbedingungenBei -20°C lagern. Nach dem Versand ein Jahr lang stabil Aliquotieren ist bei -20oC Lagerung nicht notwendig. 20ul Größen enthalten 0,1% BSA.


Protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1) was first cloned as a PKC-binding partner through yeast two hybrid system. PICK1 acts as a critical regulator of membrane receptors' subcellular trafficking to modulate neural processes such as learning and memory, and is widely expressed in brain, testis, heart, lung, liver, kidney and muscle. It probably binds to and organize the subcellular localization of a variety of membrane proteins containing some PDZ recognition sequence, for instance, PICK1 is a critical mediator of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) trafficking in neural synapses. PICK1 expression on D-serine release and glutamate transport in astrocytes suggests a potential implication of PICK1 in the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). PICK1 may also participate in breast cancer development through inhibition of TGF-β signaling.


Produktspezifische Protokolle
WB protocol for PICK1 antibody 10983-2-APProtokoll herunterladen
IHC protocol for PICK1 antibody 10983-2-APProtokoll herunterladen
IF protocol for PICK1 antibody 10983-2-APProtokoll herunterladen
IP protocol for PICK1 antibody 10983-2-APProtokoll herunterladen
Klicken Sie hier, um unsere Standardprotokolle anzuzeigen



Cell Res

PICK1 promotes caveolin-dependent degradation of TGF-β type I receptor.

Authors - Zhao Bing B
  • KO Validated

Environ Int

Repression of autophagy leads to acrosome biogenesis disruption caused by a sub-chronic oral administration of polystyrene nanoparticles.

Authors - Lixiao Zhou

Front Neuroanat

Deletion of KIBRA, protein expressed in kidney and brain, increases filopodial-like long dendritic spines in neocortical and hippocampal neurons in vivo and in vitro.

Authors - Anja Blanque

Cancer Sci

Protein interacting with C alpha kinase 1 (PICK1) is involved in promoting tumor growth and correlates with poor prognosis of human breast cancer.

Authors - Zhang Bin B

Acta Pharm

Inhibitory effect of taspine derivative TAD1822-7 on tumor cell growth and angiogenesis via suppression of EphrinB2 and related signaling pathways.

Authors - Rui Liu


Berberine inhibits the proliferation and migration of breast cancer ZR-75-30 cells by targeting Ephrin-B2.

Authors - Weina Ma


The reviews below have been submitted by verified Proteintech customers who received an incentive for providing their feedback.


Ambra (Verified Customer) (01-20-2021)

I used this rabbit anti-Pick 1:1000 in 5% milk in TBS-T on lysates from human brain (temporal cortex).NOTE: 1 clear band is visible using a 15% acrylamide gel. Lower gel percentage (10%) give a duplet band.

  • Applications: Western Blot
  • Primary Antibody Dilution: 1:1000
  • Cell Tissue Type: Human brain tissue