• Phare
  • Validé par KD/KO

Anticorps Polyclonal de lapin anti-P3H3

P3H3 Polyclonal Antibody for WB, IP, ELISA

Hôte / Isotype

Lapin / IgG

Réactivité testée

Humain, rat, souris




Non conjugué

N° de cat : 16023-1-AP


GRCB, HSU47926, leprecan like 2, Leprecan like protein 2, LEPREL2, P3H3, Prolyl 3 hydroxylase 3, Protein B

Applications testées

Résultats positifs en WBtissu ovarien de souris, cellules MDA-MB-453s, tissu ovarien de rat
Résultats positifs en IPcellules MDA-MB-453s

Dilution recommandée

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:500-1:3000
Immunoprécipitation (IP)IP : 0.5-4.0 ug for 1.0-3.0 mg of total protein lysate
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery

Informations sur le produit

16023-1-AP cible P3H3 dans les applications de WB, IP, ELISA et montre une réactivité avec des échantillons Humain, rat, souris

Réactivité Humain, rat, souris
Réactivité citéeHumain, souris
Hôte / Isotype Lapin / IgG
Clonalité Polyclonal
Type Anticorps
Immunogène P3H3 Protéine recombinante Ag8850
Nom complet leprecan-like 2
Masse moléculaire calculée 736 aa, 82 kDa
Poids moléculaire observé 82-90 kDa
Numéro d’acquisition GenBankBC017217
Symbole du gène LEPREL2
Identification du gène (NCBI) 10536
Conjugaison Non conjugué
Forme Liquide
Méthode de purification Purification par affinité contre l'antigène
Tampon de stockage PBS avec azoture de sodium à 0,02 % et glycérol à 50 % pH 7,3
Conditions de stockageStocker à -20°C. Stable pendant un an après l'expédition. L'aliquotage n'est pas nécessaire pour le stockage à -20oC Les 20ul contiennent 0,1% de BSA.

Informations générales

P3H3 (prolyl 3-hydroxylase 3, also known as LEPREL2) is a member of the leprecan family of proteins, which also include P3H1, P3H2, CRTAP and SC56. Collagen prolyl hydroxylases are required for proper collagen biosynthesis, folding, and assembly. P3H3 is thought to reside in the endoplasmic reticulum and has prolyl 3-hydroxylase activity catalyzing the post-translational formation of 3-hydroxyproline in -Xaa-Pro-Gly-sequences in collagens, especially types IV and V.


Product Specific Protocols
WB protocol for P3H3 antibody 16023-1-APDownload protocol
IP protocol for P3H3 antibody 16023-1-APDownload protocol
Standard Protocols
Click here to view our Standard Protocols



PLoS Genet

Sc65-Null Mice Provide Evidence for a Novel Endoplasmic Reticulum Complex Regulating Collagen Lysyl Hydroxylation.

Authors - Melissa E Heard

PLoS Genet

Cyclophilin B control of lysine post-translational modifications of skin type I collagen.

Authors - Masahiko Terajima

Sci Rep

Glyoxalase 1-knockdown in human aortic endothelial cells - effect on the proteome and endothelial function estimates.

Authors - Bernd Stratmann

J Biol Chem

P3h3-null and Sc65-null Mice Phenocopy the Collagen Lysine Under-hydroxylation and Cross-linking Abnormality of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VIA.

Authors - David M Hudson
  • KO Validated

J Biol Chem

Type I and type V procollagen triple helix use different subsets of the molecular ensemble for lysine post-translational modifications in the rER.

Authors - Yoshihiro Ishikawa

AIMS Genet

Expression characterization and functional implication of the collagen-modifying Leprecan proteins in mouse gonadal tissue and mature sperm.

Authors - Sarah M Zimmerman


The reviews below have been submitted by verified Proteintech customers who received an incentive forproviding their feedback.


Boyan (Verified Customer) (12-16-2021)

This antibody did not detect any band in RPE1 or MEF cell lysates

  • Applications: Western Blot