WSB1 Polyklonaler Antikörper

WSB1 Polyklonal Antikörper für WB, IHC, IF/ICC, ELISA

Wirt / Isotyp

Kaninchen / IgG

Getestete Reaktivität

human und mehr (1)





Kat-Nr. : 11666-1-AP


WSB-1, WSB 1, WD repeat and SOCS box-containing protein 1, SWIP1, SOCS box-containing WD protein SWiP-1

Geprüfte Anwendungen

Erfolgreiche Detektion in WBCOLO 320-Zellen, HepG2-Zellen, SMMC-7721-Zellen
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IHChumanes Prostatakarzinomgewebe
Hinweis: Antigendemaskierung mit TE-Puffer pH 9,0 empfohlen. (*) Wahlweise kann die Antigendemaskierung auch mit Citratpuffer pH 6,0 erfolgen.
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IF/ICCHepG2-Zellen

Empfohlene Verdünnung

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:1000-1:6000
Immunhistochemie (IHC)IHC : 1:50-1:500
Immunfluoreszenz (IF)/ICCIF/ICC : 1:50-1:500
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery

Veröffentlichte Anwendungen

WBSee 5 publications below
IHCSee 2 publications below


11666-1-AP bindet in WB, IHC, IF/ICC, ELISA WSB1 und zeigt Reaktivität mit human

Getestete Reaktivität human
In Publikationen genannte Reaktivitäthuman, Maus
Wirt / Isotyp Kaninchen / IgG
Klonalität Polyklonal
Typ Antikörper
Immunogen WSB1 fusion protein Ag2211
Vollständiger Name WD repeat and SOCS box-containing 1
Berechnetes Molekulargewicht 421 aa, 47 kDa
Beobachtetes Molekulargewicht 56 kDa
Gene symbol WSB1
Gene ID (NCBI) 26118
Konjugation Unkonjugiert
Form Liquid
Reinigungsmethode Antigen-Affinitätsreinigung
Lagerungspuffer PBS mit 0.02% Natriumazid und 50% Glycerin pH 7.3.
LagerungsbedingungenBei -20°C lagern. Nach dem Versand ein Jahr lang stabil Aliquotieren ist bei -20oC Lagerung nicht notwendig. 20ul Größen enthalten 0,1% BSA.


WSB1 (or SWIP1) gene encodes WD repeat and SOCS box-containing protein 1, a member of the WD-protein subfamily. It contains several WD-repeats spanning most of the protein and an SOCS box in the C-terminus. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding 3 distinct isoforms have been found for this gene. WSB1 serves as a probable substrate-recognition component of a SCF-like ECS (Elongin-Cullin-SOCS-box protein) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex which mediates the ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins. Ubiquitination and degradation of homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 by WSB1 has been reported (PMID: 15965468), initiated by the interaction of the two components (PMID: 18093972). WSB1 is also a part of an E3 ubiquitin ligase for the thyroid-hormone-activating type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) (PMID: 15965468).


Produktspezifische Protokolle
WB protocol for WSB1 antibody 11666-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IHC protocol for WSB1 antibody 11666-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IF protocol for WSB1 antibody 11666-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
Klicken Sie hier, um unsere Standardprotokolle anzuzeigen



Cell Res

WSB1 overcomes oncogene-induced senescence by targeting ATM for degradation.

Authors - Jung Jin Kim

Genes Dev

WSB1 promotes tumor metastasis by inducing pVHL degradation.

Authors - Jung Jin Kim

Cancer Res

Hypoxia-Induced WSB1 Promotes the Metastatic Potential of Osteosarcoma Cells.

Authors - Ji Cao

Front Immunol

Single-cell protein activity analysis reveals a novel subpopulation of chondrocytes and the corresponding key master regulator proteins associated with anti-senescence and OA progression

Authors - Zhao Guang


BDE209-promoted Dio2 degradation in H4 glioma cells through the autophagy pathway, resulting in hypothyroidism and leading to neurotoxicity

Authors - Min Liu

Int J Biol Macromol

circWSB1 promotes tumor progression in ccRCC via circWSB1/miR-182-5p/WSB1 axis

Authors - Guyu Tang