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  • KD/KO Validated

NUFIP1 Polyklonaler Antikörper

NUFIP1 Polyklonal Antikörper für WB, IHC, IF/ICC, IP, ELISA

Wirt / Isotyp

Kaninchen / IgG

Getestete Reaktivität

human und mehr (2)





Kat-Nr. : 12515-1-AP


NUFIP, Nuclear FMRP-interacting protein 1, FMR1-interacting protein NUFIP1

Geprüfte Anwendungen

Erfolgreiche Detektion in WBHeLa-Zellen, A375-Zellen
Erfolgreiche IPHeLa-Zellen
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IHChumanes Ovarialkarzinomgewebe
Hinweis: Antigendemaskierung mit TE-Puffer pH 9,0 empfohlen. (*) Wahlweise kann die Antigendemaskierung auch mit Citratpuffer pH 6,0 erfolgen.
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IF/ICCHeLa-Zellen

Empfohlene Verdünnung

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:500-1:2000
Immunpräzipitation (IP)IP : 0.5-4.0 ug for 1.0-3.0 mg of total protein lysate
Immunhistochemie (IHC)IHC : 1:300-1:1200
Immunfluoreszenz (IF)/ICCIF/ICC : 1:300-1:1200
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery


12515-1-AP bindet in WB, IHC, IF/ICC, IP, ELISA NUFIP1 und zeigt Reaktivität mit human

Getestete Reaktivität human
In Publikationen genannte Reaktivitäthuman, Maus, Ratte
Wirt / Isotyp Kaninchen / IgG
Klonalität Polyklonal
Typ Antikörper
Immunogen NUFIP1 fusion protein Ag3197
Vollständiger Name nuclear fragile X mental retardation protein interacting protein 1
Berechnetes Molekulargewicht 56 kDa
Beobachtetes Molekulargewicht 70-75 kDa
Gene symbol NUFIP1
Gene ID (NCBI) 26747
Konjugation Unkonjugiert
Form Liquid
Reinigungsmethode Antigen-Affinitätsreinigung
Lagerungspuffer PBS mit 0.02% Natriumazid und 50% Glycerin pH 7.3.
LagerungsbedingungenBei -20°C lagern. Nach dem Versand ein Jahr lang stabil Aliquotieren ist bei -20oC Lagerung nicht notwendig. 20ul Größen enthalten 0,1% BSA.


Fragile X syndrome, the most common cause of inherited mental retardation, is caused by the absence of FMRP (Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein). FMRP is an RNA binding protein reported to be involved in translational control, notably at postsynaptic sites of protein synthesis as a part of a multiprotein/mRNA complex[PMID:12941608]. NUFIP1 is one of the several FMRP-interacting proteins. NUFIP can act as a pol II-specific basal transcriptional activator in vitro and when ectopically overexpressed in vivo. NUFIP can directly activate promoters by enhancing the ATP-dependent release of hyperphosphorylated form of pol II from open transcription complexes[PMID:15107825].


Produktspezifische Protokolle
WB protocol for NUFIP1 antibody 12515-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IHC protocol for NUFIP1 antibody 12515-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IF protocol for NUFIP1 antibody 12515-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IP protocol for NUFIP1 antibody 12515-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
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The reviews below have been submitted by verified Proteintech customers who received an incentive for providing their feedback.


H (Verified Customer) (04-06-2020)

This antibody is okay, but there are multiple off-target bands especially in the nucleus. I have performed immunofluorescence analysis using KO cells, and I found significant signal in the nucleus even in the KO cells, requiring caution.

  • Applications: Western Blot
  • Primary Antibody Dilution: 1:1000
  • Cell Tissue Type: HEK293T, HEK293 and HCT116
NUFIP1 Antibody Western Blot validation (1:1000 dilution) in HEK293T, HEK293 and HCT116 (Cat no:12515-1-AP)