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P3H2 Polyklonaler Antikörper

P3H2 Polyklonal Antikörper für IHC, IP, WB, ELISA

Wirt / Isotyp

Kaninchen / IgG

Getestete Reaktivität

human, Maus





Kat-Nr. : 15723-1-AP


leprecan like 1, Leprecan like protein 1, LEPREL1, MLAT4, P3H2, Prolyl 3 hydroxylase 2

Geprüfte Anwendungen

Erfolgreiche Detektion in WBL02-Zellen, HEK-293-Zellen, humanes Plazenta-Gewebe, Mausnierengewebe, Maus-Plazenta-Gewebe
Erfolgreiche IPMausnierengewebe
Erfolgreiche Detektion in IHChumanes Lebergewebe, humanes Hautgewebe, humanes Hirngewebe, humanes Hodengewebe, humanes Lungengewebe, humanes Nierengewebe, humanes Plazenta-Gewebe
Hinweis: Antigendemaskierung mit TE-Puffer pH 9,0 empfohlen. (*) Wahlweise kann die Antigendemaskierung auch mit Citratpuffer pH 6,0 erfolgen.

Empfohlene Verdünnung

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:1000-1:4000
Immunpräzipitation (IP)IP : 0.5-4.0 ug for 1.0-3.0 mg of total protein lysate
Immunhistochemie (IHC)IHC : 1:50-1:500
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery

Veröffentlichte Anwendungen

KD/KOSee 1 publications below
WBSee 3 publications below


15723-1-AP bindet in WB, IP, IHC, ELISA P3H2 und zeigt Reaktivität mit human, Maus

Getestete Reaktivität human, Maus
In Publikationen genannte Reaktivitäthuman, Maus
Wirt / Isotyp Kaninchen / IgG
Klonalität Polyklonal
Typ Antikörper
Immunogen P3H2 fusion protein Ag8444
Vollständiger Name leprecan-like 1
Berechnetes Molekulargewicht708aa,81 kDa; 527aa,60 kDa
Beobachtetes Molekulargewicht 80 kDa
Gene symbol LEPREL1
Gene ID (NCBI) 55214
Konjugation Unkonjugiert
Form Liquid
Reinigungsmethode Antigen-Affinitätsreinigung
Lagerungspuffer PBS mit 0.02% Natriumazid und 50% Glycerin pH 7.3.
LagerungsbedingungenBei -20°C lagern. Nach dem Versand ein Jahr lang stabil Aliquotieren ist bei -20oC Lagerung nicht notwendig. 20ul Größen enthalten 0,1% BSA.


P3H2 (prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2, also known as LEPREL1) is a member of the leprecan family of proteins, which also include P3H1, P3H3, CRTAP and SC56. Collagen prolyl hydroxylases are required for proper collagen biosynthesis, folding, and assembly. P3H2 shows prolyl 3-hydroxylase activity catalyzing the post-translational formation of 3-hydroxyproline in -Xaa-Pro-Gly-sequences in collagens, especially types II, IV and V. Mutations in this gene are associated with nonsyndromic severe myopia with cataract and vitreoretinal degeneration, and downregulation of this gene may play a role in breast cancer.


Produktspezifische Protokolle
WB protocol for P3H2 antibody 15723-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IHC protocol for P3H2 antibody 15723-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
IP protocol for P3H2 antibody 15723-1-APProtokoll herunterladen
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J Biol Chem

Post-translationally abnormal collagens of prolyl 3-hydroxylase-2 null mice offer a pathobiological mechanism for the high myopia linked to human LEPREL1 mutations*

Authors - David M Hudson

Sci Rep

Transcriptome analysis of a dog model of congestive heart failure shows that collagen-related 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases contribute to heart failure

Authors - Takahiro Isono

J Biol Chem

Post-translational modification of type IV collagen with 3-hydroxyproline affects its interactions with glycoprotein VI and nidogens 1 and 2.

Authors - Nathan T Montgomery
  • KO Validated


The reviews below have been submitted by verified Proteintech customers who received an incentive forproviding their feedback.


Shinford (Verified Customer) (10-26-2023)

We conducted a screening of basal expression levels in multiple human tumor cell lines, attempting antibody concentrations ranging from 1:500 to 2000, all of which exhibited clear bands, indicating stable working conditions. However, the expression depends on the cancer cell line itself.

  • Applications: Western Blot
  • Primary Antibody Dilution: 1:500
  • Cell Tissue Type: Multiple cancer cell lines
P3H2 Antibody Western Blot validation (1:500 dilution) in Multiple cancer cell lines (Cat no:15723-1-AP)