KISS1R Polyklonaler Antikörper

KISS1R Polyklonal Antikörper für WB,ELISA

Wirt / Isotyp

Kaninchen / IgG

Getestete Reaktivität

human, Maus





Kat-Nr. : 59009-1-Ig


AXOR12, G protein coupled receptor 54, GPR54, HOT7T175, Hypogonadotropin 1, KiSS 1 receptor, KiSS 1R, KISS1 receptor, KISS1R, Kisspeptins receptor, Metastin receptor

Geprüfte Anwendungen

Erfolgreiche Detektion in WBRecombinant protein

Empfohlene Verdünnung

Western Blot (WB)WB : 1:500-1:2000
It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results.
Sample-dependent, check data in validation data gallery


59009-1-Ig bindet in WB,ELISA KISS1R und zeigt Reaktivität mit human, Maus

Getestete Reaktivität human, Maus
Wirt / Isotyp Kaninchen / IgG
Klonalität Polyklonal
Typ Antikörper
Immunogen Rekombinantes Protein
Vollständiger Name KISS1 receptor
Berechnetes Molekulargewicht 398 aa, 43 kDa
Gene symbol KISS1R
Gene ID (NCBI) 84634
Konjugation Unkonjugiert
Form Liquid
Reinigungsmethode Protein-G-Reinigung
Lagerungspuffer PBS mit 0.02% Natriumazid und 50% Glycerin pH 7.3.
LagerungsbedingungenBei -20℃ lagern. Aliquotieren ist bei -20oC Lagerung nicht notwendig. 20ul Größen enthalten 0,1% BSA.


Receptor for metastin (kisspeptin-54, 13, 14, 10), C- terminally amidated peptides of KiSS-1. KiSS-1 is a metastasis suppressor protein that suppresses metastases in malignant melanomas and in some other carcinomas without affecting tumorigenicity. The metastasis suppressor properties may be mediated in part by cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis in malignant cells. The receptor is also probably involved in the regulation and fine-tuning of trophoblast invasion generated by the trophoblast itself. Analysis of the transduction pathways activated by the receptor identifies coupling to phospholipase C and intracellular calcium release through pertussis toxin-insensitive G(q) proteins.